Health & Safety

We aim to be a leading reference company regarding Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S). We strive to lead by example delivering continuous improvement to health and safety in our operations.

The nature of our work is subjected to hazardous circumstances. Occupational health & safety is a top priority to us, ensuring that we uphold world-class health & safety standards. To live up to this standard, among Energy First employees are qualified HSE personnel, who work diligently to foster a culture of safety in the workplace.

Our OH&S commitment to all our stakeholders including but not limited to our employees, investors, contractors, suppliers and the government is that Energy First will make all efforts in deploying the highest possible standards of health and safety in our work activities and at all our projects.

Energy First will ensure that all visitors to company premises are acquainted to our safety standards and adhere to regulations and policies.

Our safety mantra is continuous safety monitoring, continuous improvement and zero accidents at work!

Organizational preparedness is achieved in the following conducts:

  • Implementation of effective and reliable methods of communication throughout our facilities.
  • Creation contingency plans.
  • Training of employees:
    • To properly report incidents and near misses.
    • To recognize and respond to emergencies.
    • To follow safe practices and proper procedures at all times.
  • Investment in Resilient Occupation Health and Safety (OH&S) Systems.
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